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On the basis of full market research and relying on its strong technology and manufacturing capacity, Huanxin company has launched general contracting operation services for maintenance and spare parts of various production lines for customers.

1. Customer group

Iron and steel enterprises at home and abroad

2. Business scope
1) Steelmaking and continuous casting production line
2) Steel rolling line
3) Steel finishing line

4) Grinding line

3. Cooperation mode
1) Huanxin company provides on-site maintenance services such as technology, personnel and spare parts

2) The customer unit shall settle the payment according to the output every month

4. Advantages
1) Spare parts inventory is realized for customers, saving financial costs
2) Simplify management links for customers, reduce management personnel and reduce management costs
3) The refined and professional management of spare parts improves its service life and reduces the production cost

4) Combined with the maintenance operation experience, the equipment and process are improved to improve the production efficiency
